Month: May 2012

Plots Are Conflict Resolutions

People thrive on conflict.  There’s a reason why shows such as Jersey Shore and Real Housewives of (Name Your City) are so popular–they’re all about conflict.  Feature films are no different.  They need a strong central conflict that drives the…

Writing romance – the guidelines

Romance Writers of America, an organization for romance writers, notes that every romance should contain two basic elements, “a central love story and an emotionally-satisfying and optimistic ending.” So whether you are writing a  novel or a screenplay, there are a few…

Write About Real Life Instead of Movie Cliches

Nobody likes to see clichéd plots in movies.  After all, everybody and his brother has pointed out the tried and tired plot that Avatar used, which was similar to a slew of movies like Pocahontas, Dances with Wolves, and Fern…

Plot Is Determined by Setting

The plot of any story is driven by the choices its protagonist makes.  However, the other major factor that affects the plot is the setting–the time and location the story takes place.  Not much thought is given to setting of…

How Important Is Theme?

When asked, “What’s Moby Dick about?” you can answer in two ways:  1) it’s about an old sea-captain searching for the whale that took his leg years ago; 2) it’s about how obsession can destroy you.  The first answer refers…